If you want to operate a business selling, manufacturing, or importing firearms, you need a Federal Firearms License or FFL. An FFL allows you to purchase firearms from distributors or manufacturers within the United States at wholesale prices, then turn around and sell them to the general public. With the right type of FFL, you can also […]
Category Archives: Blog
How to Buy a Gun Online Ultimate Guide So, you’ve decided that buying a gun is the right decision for you. And why not? They’re fun. You can protect yourself and your home. You can use them for sport. We’re going to help you navigate the process of purchasing a new gun online so that […]
“..How are gun rights activists able to avoid accidentally being shot by police while openly carrying firearms in public places” Because despite what the media and Hollywood want you to believe Cops don’t see a firearm and immediately start shooting. Police don’t see this: and see a threat, shout ‘gun’ and do a mag-dump. Police […]
Will gunfire after it has been underwater? Will a wet handgun jam? Can we say that modern guns like the AK-47 are as reliable as older firearms such as the revolver? All guns are different. Their design and durability determine the extent to which water can damage a firearm and/or prevent its ability to shoot. […]
Guns are deeply ingrained in American society. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms, and three-in-ten American adults personally own a gun. Most of these gun owners say the right to own firearms is essential to their own personal sense of freedom.(we always recommend buying good guns at guns […]
We have heard and watched the news and how, as the days pass, more and more people become violent. Lately, we’ve seen more mass shootings, robberies, looting, and murders involving unregistered guns that sold in the black market. Anyone can buy guns anonymously and get away with their crimes. This practice is dangerous, and the […]
How impractical are revolvers as a weapon? Revolvers aren’t impractical because life isn’t a video game. If you need the greater ammunition capacity of a semiautomatic pistol, most of the time you actually need a rifle or shotgun. The primary role of most pistols is to get you out of bad situations so you can flee or find a […]